CK joint research project Office
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Molecular probe

Development of innovative molecular probes


The goal of this group is development of innovative molecular probes for minimally invasive and diagnostic imaging such as optical imaging and MRI on the basis of new principles. For example, highly luminescent polymer nano-particles in near-infrared region for optical imaging have been developed. A novel dendrimer Gd-MRI contrast agent is designed and synthesized successfully, and its high T1 attenuating capability is clarified in vitro and in vivo. Novel 19F-MRI probes are developing and methods for multiple-resonance MRI are to be established. Development of multi-functional molecular probes for photoacoustic tomography and mammography is in progress.

Development of disease-specific molecular probes


Molecular probes sensitive to disease-specific environments are developing for the early detection and therapy of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and adult diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. With aiming practical use, screening and optimization of the developed molecular probes by optical imaging systems are essential for evaluation of their specificity, bio-compatibility, and metabolism.


Teruyuki Kondo Advanced Biomedical Engineering Research Unit, Professor [Laboratory]
Hideo Saji Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor [Laboratory]
Yasuo Mori Graduate School of Engineering, Professor [Laboratory]
Masahiro Ohshima Graduate School of Engineering, Professor [Laboratory]
Masahiro Shirakawa Graduate School of Engineering, Professor [Laboratory]
Itaru Hamachi Graduate School of Engineering, Professor [Laboratory]
Yasuhiko Tabata Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Professor [Laboratory]
Michiyuki Matsuda Graduate School of Medicine, Professor [Laboratory]
Michiaki Mishima Graduate School of Medicine, Professor [Laboratory]
Nobuya Inagaki Graduate School of Medicine, Professor [Laboratory]
Yoshiharu Sakai Graduate School of Medicine, Professor [Laboratory]
Shunsaku Kimura Graduate School of Engineering, Professor [Laboratory]
Hidehito Tochio Graduate School of Science, Professor [Laboratory]
Shigeki Kiyonaka Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor [Laboratory]
Shinsuke Nagamine Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor [Laboratory]
Masaya Yamamoto Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Associate Professor [Laboratory]
Hiroyuki Aoki Advanced Biomedical Engineering Research Unit, Program-Specific Associate Professor [Laboratory]
Yu Kimura Research and Educational Unit of Leaders for Integrated Medical System, Program-Specific Associate Professor [Laboratory]
Koji Miki Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor [Laboratory]
Yuji Kamioka Graduate School of Medicine, Program-Specific Assistant Professor [Laboratory]
Aoi Son Graduate School of Engineering, Program-Specific Assistant Professor [Laboratory]
Kayo Imamura Graduate School of Engineering, Program-Specific Researcher [Laboratory]
Keiko Yoshizawa Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Program-Specific Researcher [Laboratory]
Takeshi Shigemitsu Graduate School of Engineering, Program-Specific Researcher [Laboratory]
Yasuhiro Aoyama Kyoto University, Professor Emeritus [Laboratory]
Shinsuke Sando The University of Tokyo, Professor [Laboratory]
Shinae Kondoh Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor [Laboratory]
Hiroyuki Shinto Fukuoka University,Professor [Laboratory]
Hisatsugu Yamada Tokushima University, Senior Lecturer [Laboratory]
Kazuhito Tanabe Aoyama Gakuin University, Professor [Laboratory]
Tomonori Fukasawa Hiroshima University, Assistant Professor [Laboratory]