CK joint research project Office
Yoshida honmachi, sakyo-ku,Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

tel : +81-75-753-4896 /
+81-75-753-4897 /
fax : +81-75-753-9147
mail : 090gcanon

Outline of Project

Project management

Kyoto University and Canon are managing this project as equal partners.
A steering committee consisting of Kyoto University’s vice-president/director of research, who answers to the University’s President, as well as the directors of the Graduate School of Engineering, Medicine and Informatics, University Hospital, together with Canon Ltd.’s vice-president, head of the R&D strategic steering center, and medical imaging project chiefs, has been established to deliberate and decide on important matters relating to project management.

A steering committee, consisting of top-level executives and the nominated project heads from both Kyoto University and Canon, meets four times per year. It deals effectively with project direction/co-ordination in project planning, team outline of project, direction, promotion, evaluation, IP management, etc., and handles general management and coordination.

An advisory committee made up of external specialists meets twice a year. Top-level executive heads convene to report on the state of progress in the project and to discuss and provide advice on important matters relating to project management.

As of April 2015, 99 of Kyoto University’s teaching staff and researchers solely devoted to the project are involved. Additionally, from Canon, along with their normal research, 125 research staffs and dedicated supervisors in charge of planning and management are taking part, so that a total of 227 researchers contribute to this project. For each research topic, the common objectives and assignment of research activities to allow both outline of projects to maximize their potential contributions are identified. In each research group, Canon researchers help to plan, assign clear roles and responsibilities, and seek to hasten and maximize output through co-operative research.

Project Member
(April, 2015)

Kyoto University
Program- Specific Researcher
 ・Had Relinquished
 ・Permanent post,
   Embarked on the Project
Participating Researcher 49 
Postdoctoral fellow 10 
Assistant Research Staff
Research cooperator 24 
Subtotal 99 
Canon Inc.
Research Project
Management Researcher 117 
Subtotal 125 
Otsuka pharmaceutical. Co., LTD
Research Project
Management Researcher
Total 227 

Integrated education at the post-graduate level
in the medical and engineering fields

An integrated engineering course (bio-medical interdisciplinary field) at the Graduate School of Engineering and a joint medical/engineering/informatics course at the Graduate School of Medicine have been established to nurture talented individuals in the field of medical engineering. In addition to these courses of study, students in post-graduate master’s and doctoral courses receive a practical education through ORT (On-the-Research Training). As of 2010, approximately 150 such students participate in this program.

About 50 researchers from Canon are carrying out joint research at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics and Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, and are thus furthering research in unison with the University’s own teaching staff and researchers.

At Kyoto University, the Advanced Biomedical Engineering Research Unit has been established as a center for state-of-the-art multifaceted research in the combined fields of medicine and engineering, and also as a center where young researchers with a passion for biomedical engineering can gather together and participate in a spirit of cooperation. This Unit is managed with the objective of providing a base for collaborative research